Message from the director
Our music lessons!
As long as you are keen to learn, we are excited to provide you quality music lessons by introducing proper techniques, music theory, interpretation skills, effective ways to practice and ensuring progress is made. Nothing is more rewarding than helping students to have their problems solved and seeing improvement in every lessons.
Playing a musical instrument with wrong technique can be very harmful. Once the bad habit is formed it will prevent you from playing more technically demanding pieces later.
It is surprising to see most of the transfer students that had previously learned from different teachers have developed really poor techniques and bad habits (flat fingers, could not execute staccato correctly, can't read notes etc). They might not realise the problem as the pieces they played at earlier stages are less technically demanding but as they reached a certain level, they started to struggle and that is why they come to us for advice. It is such a pity that some of them had been learning for years (some had more than 10 years) yet couldn't figure out the problems until they came to us and finally learn the proper techniques. We are so proud that many of them have improved drastically after working on their problems together although there is still a long way to go. We strongly believe these technical problems can be solved if we work on it together.
Why is technique so important when playing an instrument?
Learning an instrument successfully requires constant feedback from the teacher. Apps might be useful if you're learning theories and concepts, but learning an instrument definitely requires live-teaching. You wouldn't know if you've played incorrectly or have wrong techniques without having a teacher monitoring. When you've reached a certain point where you couldn't play and don't even know why as no one is guiding you, slowly you will start thinking -"maybe i have no talent.." "this instrument is too difficult to learn.." "perhaps I should quit.." and then give up on the instrument you once adored.
It is never too late to start over and learn in proper way.
There are plenty of free apps or pre-recorded tutorial available. Why live lessons still exist?
Of course! Nothing is more rewarding than witnessing students improve and growing back confidence after our guidance. We have seen many transfer-students failed at their exams previously especially the higher grades due to lack of stable foundation, technical development, interpretation, phrasing etc. It is really sad to see these students losing confidence after failing at exams. We encourage students to learn at their own pace and push more when we see their capabilities to grow more.
Don't get discouraged if your child failed at exams. Your child is not untalented it's just that they need a correct guidance.